Kurt Gödel Research Center — 2012: Miniworkshop set theory

2012: Miniworkshop set theory

June 20-22 a miniworkshop on set theory is held at the KGRC, supported by Mobility grant CR/Austria MEB601106.

Here is the program:

Wednesday 20th

3.30pmCoffee break
4:00pmS.-D.FriedmanOn the consistency strength of PFA (abstract)
5:00pmG.LaguzziGeneralised Amoeba forcing and $\Sigma^1_2$ measurability (abstract)

Thursday 21st

9.00amCoffee break
9:30amV.DimonteRank-to-rank hypotheses and the failure of GCH
10:30amJ.FlaskovaSummable ideals and ultrafilters
11.10amCoffee break
11:30amY.KhomskiiAleph-1 Perfect MAD Families
2:00pmD.BartosovaUltrafilter dynamical system and its applications
3:00pmJ.StaryCoherent Structures on Boolean Algebras
3.40pmCoffee break
4:00pmM.KamenskyInternality in model theory and category theory (abstract)
5:00pmD.ChodounskyGames for filters and towers

Friday 22nd

9.30amCoffee break
10.00amS.FuchinoReflection number of Rado Conjecture and Fodor-type reflection
11.00amM.DouchaBorel equivalence relations and Laver forcing

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Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic. Währinger Straße 25, 1090 Wien, Austria. Phone +43-1-4277-50501. Last updated: 2012-06-20, 18:17.