
Choice of hotel
You have the following options:
  • You can choose and reserve any hotel yourself.
    See, e.g., tripadvisor or similar.
    You can use, e.g., ANachB or google maps to estimate the distances to the KGRC.
    Please inform us that you have booked (or will book) a hotel yourself (so that we get a better idea of how many bookings are still coming, and so that we do not have to pester you with reminders to book a hotel.)
  • You can pick one of the hotels with special university rates listed below, and follow the booking instructions on the details page. Please note that in many cases internet deals or even booking directly over the hotel website will be cheaper than our special rates (when comparing prices, take the cancellation policy and breakfast into account). Just an example: Our special rate for Strudlhof is 110 EUR (SR), via a few rooms are offered for 74 EUR.
  • Of course we are also happy to help you find other hotels as well and arrange reservations.
Time of booking
We strongly recommend to book the hotel very early. In case you are not sure whether you can actually come, just book a hotel with a favourably cancellation policy. (Often you can cancel without penalty up to 3 days before arrival; this is the case with all hotels listed below.)
If you book a hotel yourself, you will obviously be solely responsible for cancelling the reservation in time (and you might have to pay a cancellation fee). If we book the hotel for you, we will inform you about the cancellation policy (with all hotels listed below, you can cancel without penalty 3 days before arrival). Please tell us about any cancellation in time, otherwise we might have to ask you to cover the cancellation costs.

Hotels with special University rates

Please note that some of the following hotels will be fully booked many months in advance, so please book early to guarantee that you get something reasonable.

See the details page for addresses and booking instructions.

SR: Singel room; DR: double room. The prices are per person and night (in some cases assuming that you stay at least 5 nights, or exactly for the duration of the conference).
The number of available rooms is updated manually and irregularly, and accordingly may be inaccurate.
Air Conditioning (AC):
Note that most of the hotels listed do not have AC. Usually AC is not needed in Vienna (and private homes typically do not have AC). Nevertheless a dozen days or so each year it can get very hot (and this can well happen in July). If you are susceptible to heat and want to play it safe, then you might want to book an AC room. In the following list, these are: Bellevue, Strudlhof, Hotel Kaiser Franz Joseph (+5EUR/night).
This column gives the approximate time in min (using ANachB) to reach the KGRC by foot (F) or public transport (PT).
Tickets for public transport:
If you plan to use public transportation often then the weekly ticket is the best option. It is valid from Monday 0.00 until the next Monday 9.00 in the morning. In case there are at least 2 persons coming with you and you plan to travel 2-3 days per week all together than the 8-day Climate Ticket is optimal. Otherwise use Single Trip Tickets.
Planning your trip on public transport:
You can plan your trip on public transportation in Vienna here. Please note that there will be no tramways in Währinger Straße itself due to construction work. There will be a rail replacement bus service, but estimated transit times here and on other webpages may be inaccurate.

Name /
Tripadvisor link
      Rooms and Prices      Rooms leftDistanceBreakfast/
free WLAN/
Remarks, previous experience (in particular from the ESI conference 2009)
TA details and booking

SR: 48 EUR
DR: 72 EUR (or 58 EUR when used as SR)
SR: 0
DR: 2
F: 13 yes/yes/NO Only *** but OK, people are generally happy with it. Older feedback
Hotel Boltzmann****
TA details and booking

SR: 82 EUR
DR: 112 EUR
No rooms guaranteed, but if rooms available special rate applies. F: 4 yes/yes/opt.:
(AC +15 EUR
but only 2 AC rooms avail)
Very close to KGRC. Quiet area. A solid, average hotel, no real complaints. Older feedback

Hotels with special University rates (Expired)

Here are the hotels that were offering special rates, but where the offer is now expired. You can still book the hotels, of course, and the internet rates might be better then our previous special rates. (Note that in particular the very good olotel rate for Strudlhof still seems to work.)

Name /
Tripadvisor link
      Rooms and Prices      Rooms leftDistanceBreakfast/
free WLAN/
Remarks, previous experience (in particular from the ESI conference 2009)
TA details and booking

SR: 40 EUR 0 PT: 15, F: 18 yes/NO/NO If you need a cheap hotel and Ani and Falstaff are fully booked.
TA details and booking

SR: 42 EUR
DR: 64 EUR (or 52 EUR when used as SR)
0 PT: 15, F: 16 yes/yes/NO Less nice than Falstaff (and not much cheaper), but a reasonable inexpensive option when Falstaff is fully booked. Older feedback
Hotel Bleckmann***
TA details and booking

SR: 69 EUR
DR: 91 EUR
0 F: 2 yes/yes/NO Very close to KGRC. On a busy street, so possibly not very quiet. We do not have any experience with this hotel yet.
Hotel Bellevue****
TA details and booking

SR std: 87 EUR (deluxe: 110 EUR)
DR std: 103 EUR (deluxe: 126 EUR)
0 F: 16, PT:17 breakfast: yes
AC: yes
An average hotel, no real complaints. Older feedback
Strudlhof Hotel & Palais ****
TA details and booking

SR: 110 EUR
DR: 152 EUR
Remark: as of april 29, SR inkl breakf. for 74 EUR (DR 98 EUR) via
(olotel: 3)
F: 8 yes/yes/yes Close to KGRC. (You have to climb some stairs on the way to the KGRC.) Quiet area. We do not have any experience with this hotel yet.

Other hotels

The following hotel might be a good choice if you have special dietary needs and want to cook for yourself. It offers (in addition to usual hotel rooms) reasonably priced single apartments (no breakfast, with kitchen block, room service only twice a week.) These apartments are also an inexpensive way to get AC (+5 EUR). The Hotel does not offer special University prices.

Name /
Tripadvisor link
      Rooms and Prices      DistanceBreakfast/
free WLAN/
remarks, previous experience (in particular from the ESI conference 2009)
Hotel Kaiser Franz Joseph***
TA details and booking

Single Apartment: 64 EUR
Single Room: 94 EUR
PT: 24, F: 60 breakfast: only with Room
WLAN: yes
Aircon: Optional:+5 EUR
Rather remote, but with reasonable tram connection to the KGRC. People were generally happy with the apartments, not much character but new, clean an quiet. Older feedback

The following hotel is the closest to the KGRC (1 min walk), and Gödel lived in the building for a while! Possibly the rooms are not very quiet (Währinger Strasse is a reasonably busy street), but we do not have any first hand experience with the hotel. The hotel website seems to indicate a **** rating. We were offered special University rates, but these rates were about 50% higher than the current online prices at the hotel website, so you should book directly at the hotel website (you can cancel the reservation without penalty up to 24h before arrival). Note that the online prices can change (i.e., go up) daily (actually, from Nov 2012 to Feb 2013 they already have increased from 49 EUR to 66 EUR), so please book soon if you want this hotel.

Name /
Tripadvisor link
      Rooms and Prices      DistanceBreakfast/
free WLAN/
remarks, previous experience (in particular from the ESI conference 2009)
Hotel Atlanta****
TA details and booking

SR: 49 EUR
DR: 59 EUR
(as of Nov2012)

SR: 66 EUR
DR: 76 EUR
(as of Feb 2013)
F: 1 Breakfast: + 8.50EUR
WLAN: + 5EUR/3h
Very close to the KGRC. We do not have any experience with this hotel yet.

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Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic. Währinger Straße 25, 1090 Wien, Austria. Phone +43-1-4277-50501. Last updated: 2013-06-29, 19:52.