Access to Local Information

The KGRC area in the wiki of the University of Vienna contains a few pieces of information relevant only to current and aspiring KGRC members. Topics covered include e. g. administrative procedures required when coming to Austria, information about employment, and how to access paper and electronic research journals subscribed by the university.

To get access, you need to complete three steps.

1. Have a login with the university

If you are already a KGRC member, you should have an account with the university. See the account info page at to check that your login actually works. If you do not have a working login, ask Richard Springer about it. (Alternatively, if you have your Austrian social security number and currently hold some contract with the university, i. e., if you are on the pay roll, and if you know some German, you may try to create an account yourself.)

If you will join the KGRC in the future, we can already now create an account for you. Again, please contact Richard!

2. Log in for the first time

For technical reasons, we cannot put you on the list of wiki users until you have logged in to the wiki at least once. Therefore, please use the login mentioned in the previous step now at this page:

Note: You will not yet be able to view any wiki text about the KGRC.

3. Be registered for the wiki area

Ask Richard to register you for the wiki area. As soon as you are registered, you should be able to read the wiki area by following the link "Local information" on the KGRC Home page on the last but one line.

Welcome to the wiki!

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Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic. Währinger Straße 25, 1090 Wien, Austria. Phone +43-1-4277-50501. Last updated: 2011-06-01, 20:35.